Occupy foundation Ascent House

Feb 20, 2024

MONTH OF FEBRUARY: MONTH OF EXPLOIT CLAIMING THE PROMISES OF GOD   This Month of February. We shall do exploit! Dan 11:32b; Gen 1:27; 15:4; 17:16-19; 21:12; 22:16-18; 26:3;-4 & 24; 28:13-14; 35:11-12.   WEEK I: THURSDAY 01/02/2024-SATURDAY 03/02/2024 Week of Gains In Life Of Knowing Christ The Voice of …

Jan 30, 2024

MEMO FOR THE YEAR 2024 Our crossing over from the year 2023 to 2024 is a team of Joy and a great triumphant entry through our Lord Jesus Christ and the entice bodies of heaven in the thick darkness of world this time. In the Escort of the Light of …

Dec 22, 2023

MONTH OF DECEMBER 2023   THEME FOR THE MONTH GOD OF JUSTICE TO UNVEIL THE TRUTH Isa 11:16; 63:1; Dan 11:41; Joel 3:18-19; Amos 9:12; Isa 50:2; 51:10-11; Isa 19:23; Ex 14:29.   MEMO FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER The hand of God will return again for justice. In this …

Nov 21, 2023

MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2023   THEME FOR THE MONTH APPEARANCE OF THE HAND OF GOD Isa 11:11-13; Isa 19:23-25; Hos 11:11; Zach 10:10; Jn 7:35; Isa 9:1-2; Jer 3:18; Ezk 37:18-17; & 22; Hos 11.   MEMO FOR THE MONTH Understanding the Hand of God as the Hand of forceful …

Oct 28, 2023

MONTH OF OCTOBER Abiding In the Wisdom and Understanding The Spirit Of Counsel and Might In God. Isa 42:1; 48:16; 61:1; Matt 3:16; Mk 1:10; Lk 3:22; Jn 1:32; Rev 19:11; Job 4:9; Isa 30:28; Mal 4:6; 1Thess2:8   MEMO FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER The servant of the Lord:- …

MONTH OF OCTOBER Abiding In the Wisdom and Understanding The Spirit Of Counsel and Might In God. Isa 42:1; 48:16; 61:1; Matt 3:16; Mk 1:10; Lk 3:22; Jn 1:32; Rev 19:11; Job 4:9; Isa 30:28; Mal 4:6; 1Thess2:8 MEMO FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER The servant of the Lord:- The Lord formally presents His servants- By The Title… MY SERVANT This is identification with Jesus Christ in the New Testament.. Matt 12:15-21. When Jesus knew it. He withdrew from there, great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all Yet, He warn them not to make HIM KNOWN, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah that prophet. Servants of God were enriched by Wisdom, Understanding, Spirit of Counsel and Might in God for the perfect services of man. In the book of Matthew, 12:18 Servant of God were the ones that God has chosen in whom God’s soul is well pleased! He put His spirit (God’s spirit) upon them (Jesus was the set of example of the most servant of the Lord). He will declare justice to the Gentiles (people who could not genuinely know whom, God Is. Servants of God Will not Quarrel, nor cry Out, Nor any one hear His voice in. By them, A bruised reed, they will not break smoking flax He will not quench. Till He sends forth Justice to victory. His Name Gentiles will trust. This is because, he don’t quick reacts on Issues Sudden. He declares Justice to every situation. God’s spirit Is upon them. He was set or Elected to bring Justice to Gentiles (those whose rights are deprived) Total libration to all mankind. They are calm to All Situation. They are all filled with-Wisdom, Understanding Spirit of God and Might to carry all people along- No matter the predicaments that subsode. They have an everlasting covenant that upholds them. When God upholds someone, (a person) just a person, nothing can bring him down-Isa 41:10, Quote “fear not, “for I am with you; Be not dismayed; for I’m your God, I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand’. Isa 41:13-14; 43:5; Deut 31:6. My servant (ie Jesus as God Addressed Him) He possessed the spirit of God. Being the servant of God is like your heck is the Tower of David. Built for an armory, on which hand a thousand bucklers All shield of Mighty Men Isa 4:4; 11:2; 48:16; 59:21; 61:9; Lk 3:22: In this, God empowered Him (to bring JUSTICE to the world) He don’t walk in like manner with all classes of people in other to abide in this great covenant. Servants of God were sent by God and this spirit as was Jesus. You follow the foot-step not man. To go near Him not man-It stands open word not secret from the beginning Isa 45:19; Zach 2:8-9; Isa 61:1. Through your Baptism as was Jesus baptized by John in River Jordan. The Holy Ghost as the spirit of God rested upon Him confirming the call by Lightening as fire upon His head. So was the fire upon the Apostle even at you-as the God’s servants with covenant of fire upon you to uphold you. Matt 3:16; 4:6; Mk 1:10; Lk 3:22. The Holy Spirit bears the witness that Jesus was His (My beloved Son; In You I am well pleased)- speaking of one trusted for the true Justice in the world and not-on any person including David… “A man After His Own heart, Rather Solomon…he covenanted—for Wisdom, Understanding Spirit of God and Might. Today, God looking upon the servants to pick up the same step to answer. My servants, John bore witness—of Jesus, so shall it be upon you … hearing God seeing the realities like John as servant of God. Jn 1:32; Rev 19:11: God’s servants are main to observe open heaven as John in His time confirming the vision of He who called Him ‘My servant –as Faithful &True in Righteousness. That His Eyes were like flames of fire ready to judge and make wars Job 4:9; Isa 30:28; Mal 4:6; (Spirit of God) One who turned the heart of father to the Sons (children) and children to the father, that He (God) will not strike the earth with a curse Malachi His Servant got the message from God. 1Thess 2:8. Servants endure to maintain God’s Justice and His calling on the servants from Jesus to them. WEEK 1: SUNDAY 01/10/2023-SATURDAY 07/10/2023 Week of Exploring Servantship as God’s Origin of Covenant Title to His Called Servants. Isa 42:1; Matt 12:15-16. Topic: Understanding the meaning of the —My Servant. Matt 12:18; Isa 41:10. TUESDAY 03/10/2023 Topic: Anointing for Divine Coronation: My Servant. Isa 41:13-14; 43:5; Deut 31:6 THURSDAY 05/10/2023 Topic: Servants Are Shield or Tower Armory and Shield of the Mighty Men. Isa 4:4; 11:2; 48:16. WEEK 2: SUNDAY 08/10/2023-SATURDAY 14/10/2023 Week of Eyes for Next Events. Isa 59:21; 61:1; Lk 3:22 Topic: Origin and Beginning Open heaven Isa 45:19; Zach 2:8-9; Isa 61:1 TUESDAY 10/10/2023 Topic: Spirit Bore witness Matt: 3:16; 4:6; Mk 1:10; Lk 3:22 THURSDAY 12/10/2023 Topic: Power To hear from God and See His Glory Jn 1:32; Rev 19:11; Ps 96:13; Isa 11:4 WEEK 3: SUNDAY 15/10/2023-SATURDAY 21/10/2023 Week of Re-garmenting to His Image Zach 3:1-5 Topic: Put On The Image of Your Father Job 4:8-9; 15:31-35; Isa 30:28; Isa 11:4; 37:29; Mal 4:6; Zach 14:12; 5:3. TUESDAY 17/10/2023 Topic: Covenant of fire will rest Upon You for Excellency in Judgements Mal 4:6; Zach 14:12; Zach 5:3. THURSDAY 19/10/2023 Topic: Servants of God Are The Right Message of God. 1Thess 2:8; Rm 1:11;2Cor 12:15; 1Jn 3:16 WEEK 4: SUNDAY 22/10/2023-SATURDAY 28/10/2023 Week of Concern For Their Faith 1Thess 3:1-5 Topic: To be encouraged in Times of Tribulation Isa 7:10; 2Cor 1:4; Eph 13:14; Phil 4:1; 2Cor 13:9; Col 4:12. TUESDAY 24/10/2023 Topic: Don’t let Your Labour to be Invain 1Cor 3:5-8: vs 9-10 THURSDAY 26/10/2023 Topic: Plea for Purity 1Thess 4:1-8; 1Cor 5:58; Phil 1:27;Col 1:10; Rm 12:2 FRIDAY 27/10/2023-HOLY GHOST BREEZE Topic: Prayers for the Church 1Thess 3:10-13; 2Cor 3:9; Col 4:12; Mk 1:3; Phil 1:9; 1Thess 4vs1 and 10; 2Thess 1:3; 2:17. WEEK 5: SUNDAY 20/10/2023 Week of Brotherly and Orderly Life 1Thess 4:9-12; Jer 31:34; Jn 6:45; 15:12-17; 1Jn 2:27; Matt 22:29; 1Thess 3:12; Rm 13:13 Col 4:5; 1Pt 2:12. Tuesday 31/10/2023 Topic: Bearing In The Mind The Comfort of Coming Christ/Selection of Saint from the world. 1Thess 4:13-18; 1Kg 13:17; 20:35; 2Cor 12:1; Gal 1:12; 1Cor 15:51-52; 1Thess 5:10.

Oct 24, 2023

SEPTEMBER MONTH Jesus Christ the Right Status of Righteousness. Matt.27:19-24; Lk.23:47; Acts.3:14; 7:52; 22:14; Jn.6:20; 16:8; Deut.21:6-8

Sep 23, 2023

SEPTEMBER MONTH Jesus Christ the Right Status of Righteousness. Matt.27:19-24; Lk.23:47; Acts.3:14; 7:52; 22:14; Jn.6:20; 16:8; Deut.21:6-8 MEMO FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Right Statius of Righteousness We are focusing on the month of September to  build up the right status of righteousness through our life in Christ Jesus. We …

Month of August – 31 Days Righteousness: A grounded character of God. The Old Rugged Rock and Cross of Love

Aug 23, 2023

Month of August – 31 Days Righteousness: A grounded character of God. The Old Rugged Rock and Cross of Love Song: I still believe in amazing, that there is Power in the Blood that he walked with me And talks with me, that because he lives I can face tomorrow. …


Jul 28, 2023

THEME FOR THE 3RD QUARTER RIGHTEOUSNESS AS COVENANT OBLIGATION Ezk. 3:20-21; 14:12-20 MONTH OF JULY:- Righteousness Characterized Honesty: Job 10:11; 31:32; 21:26; 11:8-10; 12:7; 18:10; 29:7; 31:9 MEMO FOR THE FORTH QUARTER. Righteousness as a Covenant Obligation         It is a Bible terminology used to denote the basic Word of …


Jun 24, 2023

MONTH OF JUNE LAST MONTH OF 2ND QUARTER Amor of Righteousness; Gen 6:9; 1kg 10:9; 2Sam 4:1-12; Gen 15:6; Ps.106:31; Gen 38:26; 1Sam 24:17; 2Sam 8:5; Isa 9:7; 32:16; Jer. 4:2; 9:24. MEMO FOR MONTH OF JUNE:- AMOR OF RIGHTEOUSNESS Righteousness is supernatural is the image of God it could …