Occupy foundation Ascent House

MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2017 Theme for month of September: His (God’s) blessings comes as of when due Text: Gen4 vs1-2; 27 vs 28-30; Ps45 vs 5-7; Prov10 vs 22; Jn8 vs 34; Prov 10 vs 6-7 ; Eph1 vs3; Heb12 vs 17; 6 vs14; Gal3 vs14; Rm 15 vs 25 etc.


Every Blessing comes from God who gives to all man according to his measure.

To bless means to fill with benefits either as an end in itself. Or one being a source of blessings to others. That is, one can be an object or source of people’s blessing.

In this case, the object or source of blessings to other people, is GOD Himself. The sense of this is the believer calling on God to bless them. In a detailed of blessing. In any time you receive God’s blessing, it could stand that, you have received praise from God. In other sense, the word bless means praise” people of God show up their praises to God in respect of blessing they receive from Him in honour and their good works.

By praise individuals might bless God in return. Ex 18 vs10. One remember all the deliverances of Israel from the hands of their enemies, Egyptians Pharaoh. Ruth 4vs14 God was praised in return of his remembrance over a widow and family:-

Naomi’s: Using Boaz to link then back to the kinsmen Ps 68 vs19. Praising God for His daily blessing by loading us with benefits of all types. Ps 103 vs1 This is a thanksgiving until God for all that He has done-This is referred as to the benefits of the cross.

These blessings are God’s own way of reaching us as of when due. Both to men and women.

Other Blessings as when due could be noted as seasonal blessing. It is a blessing than one is expecting from God with all enthusiasms and expectation. Gen 4vs1-2 This is Biblical connotation of Union of husband and wife in respect to sex at. This season, anyone that is expecting such union from God will receive it in Jesus Name!

Other is fruitful union, exactly as God said that it would be to His people. Receive it In Jesus Name —– !!!

A true blessing of the biological in our due for raising up our own home. Not frauding others to get yours as in Jacob and Esau. Gen 27 vs 18 Blessings from your parents that will forceter your destiny vs 25-30.

A blessing without deceit will come your ways this last month of 3rd Quarter in Jesus Name. Amen.

This month of September, you will abide under the Deity of Jesus Christ as your God. Ps 45 vs 5-7 The blessing as of when due the lord will abide prosperously in His attack upon your enemies and the Antichrist Amen!!!

These enemies you fear in MBER MONTH with their armies are under God control for your sake —– Amen !!!.

This month, you will be a fount of blessing to your people and society. Prov 10 vs6-7.

Your obedient to the word of God will make rich this month and promote you. Prov 6 vs22. The cross of Christ will stand as our object of faith Gal 6 vs 14; Jn 8 vs 34 sin will not have portion in us.

We shall hear the voice of God in everything that pertains us from the best result Heb 12 vs19.

We shall not desire our blessing without the love of the Blesser as found in Esau. Heb 12 vs 17 Our blessings should come without tear —- Amen. Our faith will justify our blessings Heb 6vs14. You will form a Nation-this is by justification you remain a child of promise evermore — !!!.

This month, every spiritual blessing are ours the blessings and benefits of Atonement in our reasons of being in Him.

In this MBER Month every fear of it and deaths has been lifted and are debted in the cross. Our possibility for the Holy Spirit to come into our life, the believers, and abide forever.

Gal 3 vs 14 In this month, there are possibilities of divine ministration to us the saints. An avenue to meet up with our needs in Jesus Name – Amen Rm 15 vs 25.

Any person that is a member of this church, friends and well wishes, Reader of this great software. This, month is your month of your totality of your due blessings. We are standing on the highest mountain of defence.


Weekly Activities week I

Friday 01/09/2017-Sat 02/09/2017

Week of Abiding In The prosperous Wings of God.

  • Friday- 6.00am- The Wind of His prosperous Attack upon our Enemies Ps 45 vs5-7, Ps 91 vs 1-8-Passing through MBER Month undefiled, unhurt, our perfection in God.


  • Week 2: Sunday 03/09/2017-Sat. 09/09/2017

Week of Experiencing Our founts of Blessing. Prov 10 vs 6-7, Prov 6 vs22.

Topic: The Cross Stands As Our Object of Faith. Gal 6 vs14, Jun 8 vs12.


  • Tuesday 05/09/2017

Topic: Hearing His Voice Gives the Best Result. Heb 12 vs19. Ex 20 vs18-26;m Deut 5 vs25, 18 vs 16.


  • Thursday 07/09/2017

Topic: The Blessings without tears

Text Heb 12 vs17; Gen 27 vs 30-40.


  • Wee k 3: Sunday 10/09/2017-Sat 16/09/2017

Week of Justification of faith in Blessings. Heb 6 bs14; Gen 22 vs16-17

Topic: Blessings of growth Increase & Multiplication. Gen 12 vs1-4; 13 vs 1-2; Gen 15 vs19-21.


  • Tuesday 12/09/2017

Topic Benefits of Atonement (I) Divine Ministrations. Gal 3 vs14; Rm 4 vs1-5; 9 vs16; Gal 3vs 18.

Thursday 14/09/2017

Topic: Benefits of Atonement/Divine Ministration II

Isa 42 vs1-6; 49 vs6; Lk 2vs32, Rm 3 vs29-30; Isa 32 vs15


Week 4 Sunday 18/09/2017-Sat 23/09/2017

Week of Avenue to Meet up with our Needs.

Rm 15 vs25-27; Act 19 vs22: 1Cor 16vs1

Topic: There is No Poor Among The Saints

2cor 8 vs1-15; Rm 11 vs 17; 1 Cor 9 ns11


Tuesday 19/09/2017

Topic: Under the Power of the Deity

Ps 54vs 5-7; Ps 93vs2; Heb 1vs8-9, Num 24 vs 17


Thursday 21/09/2017

Topic: The Scepter of The King Stands To Peace. Ps 45 vs 6-9; Ps 2vs2; Heb 1 vs8-9.


Week 5 Sunday 24/09/2017-Sat 30/09/2017

Week of Growth by Oil Among the Equals. Songs 1 vs12-12; 6 vs 8.

Topic: Our Extended Blessings II Ps 45 vs 6-11; 1Kg 2 vs19; Deut 21vs13; Ruth 1vs16-17.


Tuesday 26/09/2017

Topic: Our Extended Blessing II

Ps 95vs6; Isa 54vs5; Isa 49 vs23.


Thursday 28/09/2017

Topic: Our Extended Blessings Part II

Pas 45 vs12-17; Songs 1 vs4; 1Pt 2vs9; Rev 1:6; 20 vs6; Mal 1 vs11.


Friday Holy Ghost Breeze

Topic: God The Refuge of His people/Conqurers of the Nations

Ps 46 vs 1-11; Ezk 48 vs6; 60 vs 14. Others Deut 23 vs4; Isa 12:6; Ezk 43 vs7, Hosea 11 vs9; Joel 2 vs27; Zeph 3 vs 15 etc.