Occupy foundation Ascent House






  1. God Remember Our God deeds for good harvests
  2. Our Righteous Life for the fear of God could not be forgotten.
  • Our Book of records for our events should be remembered as in the Days of Mordecai. Esther 6:1-14; Death of your enemies follows-Hamans

Your works for both good and evil on earth has harvest of pay for both-Seed time and harvest time in book of remembrance of God. This is called the period of gathering:- Zeph 1:14-18. Zephaniah called it:- THE GREAT DAY OF THE LORD. This Day Comes With (i) Payment for evil Zeph 1:14-18. In chapter 2:1-2 our of gathering together. A day set up, or appointed time for God’s Arrival. In verse 3 ie 2:3 Voice of God from the mouth of prophet. “Seek the Lord , all the humble of the land, you who do what he commands, seek righteousness, seek humility perhaps, you will be sheltered on the day of the Lord’s anger”. Harvest of life for God. It has a reward. Zephaniah was in his prophetic utterances told us that harvest of God’s record of remembrance depends on life for the fear of God could not be forgotten. Our book of records for our events should be opens both in life and there after we should understand that righteousness is a matchless character of Christ. Ps 103:1-5- Equal to Benefits.

People who dwell in righteousness always cried out but their sorrows turns to praises in the inner souls, with faith, they stand, but in wickedness it turned to a cut-off in God especially in today’s Christian life. People tries to be OK, there by living a life of lies in order to harvest what they want.

Nothing like endurance again in the Lord. Remember Ananias and Sapphira  Act 5:1-11-A Christian husband who don’t do anything in the house of God without relating it to the wife. Act 5:2-Two of the couples died one day before Holy Spirit. Go to the memory of Rev. 22:15. There are thing that God hate:- They stood like in the Eye of God.

You can’t the dog to be God. It’s an abomination. God hates:- Sorcerers, whoremongce idolaters, murderers; and liars. There harvest are:

  • Barrier between them and God
  • Unanswerable prayers by God
  • God hate them and could not open His Eyes to them.
  • They live short lives on Earth.

I pray that your harvest should not tire-nut on any of these. In Jesus Name—- Amen. Let your harvest be long life, friendship with God.

In your life, remember all His benefits ot praises Ps 103:1-5 His splendor and Majesty over your Soul Ps 104:1- verse 35- Sinners vanish from earth and the wicked be no more. Harvest of evil life. Lord came to you for defence with Ark of His Might when you cry to Him for rescue, that’s security Ps 13:8; See other —- As you follow July notes —–.

This Tells Us that, we progress, Make a heavy harvest, in time of God’s Remembrance. Never try to cut-off in anytime in God’s presence..

Month of July-Harvest, Praise and Benefits. God had fought Our Battles: we should Not forget To Remember All His Cares and Benefits:- Ps 103:1-5; 104vs1&35; 130:8; Isa 33:24; Ex 25:26; Ps 143:3&8; Isa 53:1-5; Jer 17:4; Ps 25:12; Isa 4:2-6’ Ex 8:1-4; 15-18; 20-24; Ex 9:3-4; 8-9; 14-19; 10:1-6.


WEEK 1: MONDAY 01/07/2024- SATURDAY 06/07/2024       

Week of Praise More For More Benefits. Ps 103:1-5; Ps 104: 1&35

Topic: Forget Not All His Benefits: Ps 103:8; Isa 33:24; Ex 15:26.


TUESDAY 02/07/2024

Topic: Counting His Redemptions and Healing: Isa 53:1-5; Jn 12:38; Rm 10:16; Ps 22:6; Isa 45:7


THURSDAY 04/07/2024

Topic: Unattractive But Tendering. Isa 49:7; Matt 27:30-31; Lk 18:31-33; 23:18; Heb 4:15.


WEEK 2: SUNDAY 07/07/2024-SATURDAY 13/07/2024

Week of counting the blessings of Trust

Jer 17:7-8; Ps 2:12; 34:8; 125:1.

Topic: Trust In God And Do Not Waver I

Ps 146:5.


THURSDAY 09/07/2024

Topic: Trust In God And Not Waver II

Ps 16:20; Isa 30:18; Jer 39:18.


THURSDAY 11/07/2024

Topic: Trust In God, And Not Waver III

Job 8:16; Ps 1:3; Ezk 31:3-9


WEEK 3: SUNDAY 14/07/2024-SATURDAY 20/07/2024

Week of Reward (Renewal of Zion)

Isa 4:2-6; Isa 12:16

Topic: Zion Beautiful and Gloriousness (Your New Life)

Jer 23:5; Zach 3:8


TUESDAY 16/07/2024

Topic: A New Name Is Given. Isa 4:3

Isa 60:21; Phil 4:3


THURSDAY 18/07/2024

Topic: A New Covenant for Change. Isa 4:4-6

Matt 3:2-3; Ex 13:31-22; Num 9:15-23; Zach 2:5; Ps 27:5; Isa 25:4


WEEK 4: SUNDAY 21/07/2024-SATURDAY 27/07/2024

Week of God’s Battle for The Sake of His People. Ex 8:1-4 &15-18.

Topic: God’s Security To His People. 3:4

Ex 3:12;18; 4:23; 5:1-3.


TUESDAY 23/07/2024

Topic: Word of Signs and Wonders (demonstration of God’s Power). Ex 8:15-18 (Rod of Moses strikes the dust of the Lord to turn it to Lice to all Land Egypt)

Ex 8:11; Ex 7:14&22; 9:34; 1Sam 6:6


THURSDAY 25/07/2024

Topic: The Trust Must Surely Came Out

Ex 8:18-19; Ex 7:11; 1Sam 6:3-9;Lk 11:20; Ex 8:15



Benefits of Glorious Life In Response of Word (Total Sword of The Holy Ghost In Man).

Topic: (Flies Stood As Battle Axe)

Ex 8:20-24; Ex 9:4-6,29; Ps 78:45; Ps 105:31


WEEK 5: SUNDAY 28/07/2024-WEDNESDAY 31/07/2024

Ex 9:3-4; 8-9; 14-19.

Topic: The Difference is Clear. Ex 9:4. “And The Lord will make a difference the Live stock of Israel and the Live Stock of Egypt. So nothing shall die of all that belongs to the children of Israel”. (Senior Security-Holy Ghost) Ex 8:22; Deut 28:27; Rev 16:2.


TUESDAY 30/07/2024

Topic: Harvest of Residues of Hail. Ex 10:1-6; Ex 10:5-6; (Attackers of hail stands our defence) Ex 10:28; 1Sam 18:21; Ex 7:26; 1Cor 7:35.