Occupy foundation Ascent House





Mk 10vs49-52; IICor 13vs11-13; Act 9vs31; Rm 15vs4; II Cor 1vs3; 7vs 13; Phil 2vs1; Job 10vs20; Ps 94vs19; 119 vs50; Isa 57vs6.

Our Comfort in God announces us to eternal freedom by faith. It is a divine projection for the world to see. The blind Man in the book of Mark 10vs49-52 became a free man with complete sight (physically and spiritually). He became an ardent Disciple in the early church. He found solace in the Lord, an expression of comfort which constitute the greatest moment in the life of the blind the removal of both physical and spiritual blanket out of him.

The finger of God in our life is our Divine Solace and expression of perfect comfort. Join us this year in partnership to enjoy these great values.


Week I: Tuesday 01/05/2018-Saturday 05/05/2018

Week of move for A faith Mark 10vs49

The voice of the blind who cannot see perceived that Christ was passing across. Verse 49. “ Solace And Jesus Stood Still” (A faith caused Christ to stop). That He will do the same presently to you this year. Focus to His Love for Your Solace.

The garment of shame will be thrown aside for your change this year.


Topic: A New change of garment: Job 17vs11-12; Gen 35vs2; Gen 18vs19; Josh 24vs15; Gen 21vs19, 30, 34; Josh 24vs2; 14&23; Ex 19vs10; 14; Lev 13vs6.

Thursday 3/05/2018

Topic: A move of faith Mk 10vs50-52

Our Answer reveals our spiritual condition: Matt 9vs22; MK 5vs34.


Week 2: Sunday 06/05/2018-Sat 12/05/2018

Week of Divine Solace in face to face. II Cor 13 vs 11-13

Topic: The Greatest Gift. II Cor 13vs4-10; II Cor 3vs18; 5vs7




Tuesday 08/05/2018

Topic: Open Eyes for perfect Vision IIcor13vs11; Phil 3vs12; Jam 11vs23; Gen 32vs30


Thursday 10/05/2018- God will defend You Num 8vs4-7

Topic: Clarity of Love as The Greatest Solace

IICor 13vs13; Num 12vs8; Matt 18vs20; 1Jn 3vs2.


Week 3: Sunday 13/05/2018

Week of Edification in Peace and Comfort Act 9vs31; Ps 4vs7-9

Topic: He will give change over You. Ps 91vs11; Dan 6vs22; 2Kg 6vs17; Jn 14vs16; Act 16vs5.


Tuesday 15/05/2018

Topic: His Words Is Our Consolation Rm 15vs4; 14vs20; ICor 8vs11


Thursday 17/05/2018

Topic: Comfort In Suffering. II Cor 1vs3; Icor 1vs1; Eph 1vs1; Col 1vs1; II Tim 1vs1; Act 16vs1; ICor 16vs20; Phil 1vs1; Col 1vs2.


Week 4 Sunday 20/05/2018

Week of Counting His Blessing:- Ex 18vs10-11; Ruth 4vs14; Ps 58vs19; 103vs1

Topic: Filled With Benefits Gen 12vs2-3; Num 23vs20; 1Chron 4vs10; Ps 109vs28; Isa 61vs9

Topic: Speak The Words of Blessing

Gen 27vs23; Deut 7vs14; Isam 25vs33.


Tuesday 22/05/2018

Topic: Peace As Invocation of Blessing

-Shalom Gen 48vs20; Ruth 4vs11&12; Gen 28vs15; 46vs4; 50vs24.


Thursday 24/05/2018

Topic: God’s Blessing Essential Ingredients of Success.

Ps 1vs1; Prov 4vs14; Ps 26vs4-5; Jer 15vs 17


Week 5 Sunday 27/05/2018-Thursday 31/05/2018

Week of All Round Fortunate and Happiness. Matt 5vs3-11

Topic: Children of God As Citizens of His Kingdom

Rm 4vs7-8; Rev 1vs3; 14vs13


Tuesday 29/2018

Topic: Blessing in Circulation– Matt 14vs 23; 15vs29; 17vs1; Mk 3vs13; Lk 6vs17; 9vs28; Jn 6vs 3&15.


Thursday 312/05/2018

Topic: Benefit of Speaking well in Praises

Lk 1vs17-69; Eph 1vs3-4; Gal 3vs9; Heb 7vs1; 2Cor 1vs3; Rm 8vs28.